Dues for 2025 Membership Renewal will open for payment on January 1, 2025.   
PVW is redesigning its website and will not be able to accept membership dues during the last months of 2024 as had been past custom.This change will also align dues payments with our fiscal year. 
To maintain PVW's fiscal viability, the PVW board regretfully eliminated the Fall Early Bird Discount of past years.  
The 2025 PVW Active Membership Dues Schedule will be:
o   $50 when paid during January 2025. 
o   $75 (which includes a $25 late fee) for payments received in February 2025 
o   “Exempt members” (approved  before Oct 1, 2023) will continue to be EXEMPT but we request you consider making a donation to PVW via the homepage of the current website. Donations may be made at any time. 
 A reminder will be sent in Late December. 
If you have any questions, please contact Noreen Brunini, nobrunini@gmail.com