About Potomac Valley Watercolorists

Celebrating 50 years in the community, we are a cooperative visual arts group in the Potomac Valley region within Virginia, Maryland and Washington D.C.
We are a nonprofit organization whose members create and promote the art and excellence of watercolor painting.
Begun informally in 1974, our artful activities have flourished over these years and membership has grown from 35 charter members to over 200 artists in 2025.
PVW membership has become synonymous with a high standard of skill, creativity and commitment to water media.
We enjoy a regional—even national—reputation for excellence, both for artistic mastery and dedication as a thriving group of painters who take our art, but not ourselves, too seriously!
Potomac Valley Watercolorists is a juried organization of watermedia artists, tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code with public charity status 509(a)(2).