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We welcome your donation!

Your generous contributions help us to support the arts in the VA/MD/Washington DC region. Let’s create together.

Please remember PVW in your estate planning!

We ask you to consider making a tax-deductible donation to Potomac Valley Watercolorists.


Donations play a significant role in supporting our functional operations. PVW’s programs are entirely carried out by dedicated, generous volunteer members. We rely on generous support to help us sustain local art in our community. 


Celebrating 50 years, PVW continues our long tradition of enlivening community life in Metro Washington, D.C.  We're a cooperative visual arts organization whose members create and promote fine art within the Potomac Valley region in VA, MD and Washington D.C.


Please be assured that your donation will be most appreciated and will help us to advance the value of art to our community. Thank you!


You may verify our Non-Profit Status on the website. Under the section “Tax Exempt Organization Search,” click on the “Search By” dropdown menu. Select “Organization Name” and enter ”Potomac Valley Watercolorists" in the “Search Term” box.


For tax deduction purposes, our tax ID number (EIN) is 36-4575536.


Potomac Valley Watercolorists is a juried organization of water media artists, tax-exempt under section 501c(3)  of the Internal Revenue Code with public charity status 509(a)(2).

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CLICK SUBMIT & PAY and follow the steps for payment of the amount you wish to donate in the next window

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